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Journal of Association for Consumer Research: Collaborative Approaches to Create Positive Societal Impact.


TCR researchers like YOU often leverage collaboration as part of your efforts to understand and advance well-being in all its forms. The upcoming special issue at the Journal of the Association for Consumer Research (JACR) will focus Collaborative Approaches to Create Positive Societal Impact.

We are particularly interested in work with the potential to expand theory but also influence practice. We welcome both empirical and conceptual papers. Regardless of the societal topic explored, collaboration in pursuit of positive social impact must be at the heart of the contribution. 

JACR focuses on short papers (8000 words max) tied to the theme. Submissions are double-blind peer reviewed, consistent with all top journals in the field of consumer research. 

The JACR system will open for submissions on Aug 1, 2024 and close on Oct 1, 2024.

 The full Call for Papers is online at


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