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Transformative Consumer Research


Everyday Therapeutic Consumption


Emma Banister, Kathy Hamilton, Susan Dunnett, Maria Piacentini, Amy Griener Fehl, Stephanie Anderson, Fiona Cheetham, Helene Gorge, Nicole Kreidler

Award Amount


This project focuses on mundane and everyday consumption to realise the potential impact of therapeutic network theory, asking ‘what are the therapeutic moments or activities that enhance consumers’ everyday lives?’ An international team of TCR researchers will collect online narratives relating to ‘everyday therapeutic moments’ from a diverse population of consumers (utilising community links to ensure inclusion of ‘hard to reach’ populations). TCR funding will support an arts-based approach and development of a set of illustrations. Images will be made available online alongside excerpts of narratives, as freely downloadable resources, forming a toolkit for discussion within community/organisational settings. Our goal is to also develop a publication (co-produced with community groups) that establishes the therapeutic network lens at a community and individual level, securing practical and theoretical impact.


Therapeutic Network Theory

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