Transformative Consumer Research
I Don’t Eat That: Understanding Intersectionalities in Food Restriction Stigmas
Nadine Benninger, Kelly Haws
Award Amount
Food is essential for life, yet related eating practices can also have negative consequences for individuals, society, and the planet. As such, calls for adjusting diets towards more sustainable and healthier lifestyles are increasingly issued. Yet, from the perspective of social norms, stigmas may exist based on an individual’s dietary choices, and such stigmas may further depend on characteristics beyond one’s dietary choices. Therefore, this research project aims to answer the research question of how stigma intersections based on food restrictions and body type affect social rejection and stigmatization in society using a series of experiments. Understanding potential intersections helps to derive implications for policymakers, marketers, and consumers to ensure that society as a whole can contribute to a more sustainable and healthy way of living regardless of underlying stigmas.
Food WellBeing