Transformative Consumer Research
The Impact of Modality on Consumers’ Volunteering Choices and Behaviors
Carissa Colligan, Jill Hmurovic
Award Amount
Volunteering is a meaningful way to enhance health and well-being for consumers. Although technology allows consumers to volunteer in new ways (e.g., using video apps to assist the visually impaired, digitally transcribing cultural heritage artifacts, etc.), consumer research has exclusively studied volunteering contexts occurring in-person. Yet, “virtual volunteering” (VV), which involves the use of technology and does not require in-person interactions, is emerging as a prevalent new consumer phenomenon. This project examines the impact of this new form of volunteering, exploring how VV influences consumer behavior differently from in-person volunteering. Three experimental studies will test for the main effect of volunteering modality (i.e., virtual vs. in-person) on consumer preferences, intentions, and behaviors. In examining a novel phenomenon, this work advances charitable giving research by enriching understanding of how VV shapes consumers’ perceptions of and engagement in volunteering, which can help organizations improve volunteer experiences and recruitment and retention strategies.
Volunteering, CWB